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Hakua vastasi 2 kuotea.


18.08.15 #demokerho, ircnet

15:58 < kitai_> https://media.riemurasia.net/albumit/mmedia/j0/r4c/xkwp/524088/1668361230.webm
15:58 < kitai_> collision detection :D
16:04 <@urs> If only the matrix used proper position-based dynamics solvers!
16:27 <@msqrt> position-based is lame, SPH is coolness
16:27 <@msqrt> as mr astrophysics you ought to know this!
16:30 <@urs> SPH is only really good if your primary application is to simulate good looking free surfaces of viscous fluids with high surface tension.
16:30 <@urs> As an astrophysicist focussing on finite-volume simulation methods, I know this. :)
16:31 < pumpuli> urs, rocket science?
16:31 <@msqrt> is there a problem with inviscid ones? :O
16:31 <@urs> Nah, magnetospheric plasmaphysics and solarwind-magnetosphere interaction. Hardly rocket science.
16:31 <@urs> msqrt: yes, you always get numerical surface tension from SPH
16:32 <@urs> if you try to simulate a inviscid fluid, like for example interstellar hydrogen compressing under gravity, your get your confinement parameters wrong. Which is interesting, since that is what SPH was originally invented for.
16:33 <@urs> Nowadays, these people are switching away to lagrangian meshless marker methods, since they are better for their purposes.


24.04.15 #demokerho, ircnet

20:28 <@cce> cubasen käyttöliittymä perustuu 16x16 nappuloihin ja saksalaiseen teollisuusestetiikkaan